Hi everybody. Welcome to the blog where I talk about the present.
Pitty Party of One or Viva Revolution! You see, I can’t decide whether or not to pity myself or to start a revolution. You see, I’m tired of my health aides not waking up at night and me pissing the bed. I’m tired of my aides falling asleep in my car and for forgetting to strap me in and getting in a car accident and fracturing my ankle. I’m tired of my health aides giving me the wrong medicine. I’m tired of my health aides letting my dog run down through a busy road. You see, all this really isn’t their fault. They’re all just tired. I mean they have to work two or three jobs just to make ends meet. Then the problem is me, the patient, I’m at risk. You should see them when they get done with the end of their shift. They’re exhausted and they have to drive home. Being tired like that and driving is equivalent to drunk driving. You see, if they got paid a decent wage, they wouldn’t have to take two different jobs and put me at risk. I’m getting tired of it. Someone’s gonna get hurt one day, mark my words.
You see, I can speak out, right? But there’s many people out there that have heath aides who can’t speak out. That’s why I want to start a revolution. I did a documentary. I’m going to blanket the social media and as many news channels as I can. I’m also gonna get in touch with politicians. This is gonna be my mission. I’m fed up with it. And, like I said before, it’s not the health aides fault. It’s the fact that they get such low pay that they have to take other jobs. And then the other problem is that because the pay is so low, no one wants to do this job of healthcare. Listen, all of you that are healthy and are reading this, if you got sick, you would want someone to take care of you, a professional. And believe me, you don’t want to go to a nursing home right away. I mean, eventually, you might have to, but for now you want to stay out of those places as long as possible.
Anyway, I just wanted to get all that off my chest. I am venting a little, but I am tired of it, and frankly I’m tired of being tired. When I get like this, I always think of the past. See my blog about the past.
Thank you guys. Love and miss you. Thanks for listening to this, and when you see my documentary, please share it with everyone you can think of. Let’s start a revolution.
Love, B. Nice
P.S. Look, everyone’s gonna get old - so take note of this. If not for you, then for someone you love.