Hey guys welcome to the blog where I talk about the present.
Here’s what I presently sent out to my local paper. If anyone else can help, that would be appreciated. Get in touch with me. I can’t do much given my condition. Thanks again. Love and miss you guys.
Love, B. Nice
Dear Editor,
My name is Brian Nice, AKA the guy in the wheelchair. I’ve been a member of this community on and off again since 1969. I was wondering if you could please extend this plea for help to your readers. I am limited in what I can do because of my condition. In fact, my childhood friend from Garrison grade school is writing this for me. I know our community is small but mighty. Maybe someone out there could help me get my word out to the press and eventually to the President. I’ll enclose a link of a documentary I did. It’s a rough edit, as it’s what the editor, Adam Hall, sent to me. The film of the documentary was shot by Bryan Coppede.
Maybe you could put this on your website. I’m open to doing an interview with you, if you like. I believe the whole situation I’ve covered is newsworthy and timely. Who knows where this rabbit warren will lead.
Many thanks,
Brian Nice