December 17, 2024

Hi everybody. Welcome to my blog where I talk about my past.

I’m gonna dedicate this blog to my daughter because it was her birthday yesterday.

Now I know I said it before, but to witness a birth is amazing. I know it’s a cliche when they say birth is a miracle, but it really is. I witnessed the birth of my daughter. It was incredible. Now, children aren’t supposed to be able to smile when they’re first born, but my kid did. It was cool. I had my camera and right when she was born, I said, “Welcome!” and she smiled. How cool is that?

I love and miss you guys. Love, B. Nice

P.S. and check out these pictures my friend and I load up. It’s cool. It’s like a virtual gallery. Below are some images I took in Australia. It was always an adventure shooting there.

December 3, 2024

Hi everybody. Welcome to my blog where I talk about the past.

I’m gonna dedicate this blog to my cousin. He’s a coach, amongst other things, on the west coast. Now, a good coach will tell you, don’t let your body tell you what to do. Let your mind tell your body what to do.

OK, so let’s call this blog: STRIPPERS.

In college, I decided to get my pilot’s license. The first step to getting your license was to take ground school. They taught you the basics of flying, but I kept looking at my teacher saying, “I know this young woman from some where.” It was driving me crazy. then one day, she leaned over to help me with a problem I had and I smelled her perfume. Voila! She was a stripper! My track team and I used to go to this strip club together after a meet, and she worked there. She was smart. She was a good teacher and also a very good stripper.

I used to live in NYC. It was the early 90’s. My friends invited me out to a party. Well, late in the night, my friends decided to go to a strip club. I didn’t argue, and off we went. Well at the club there was this one woman who walked around and gave people shoulder massages. She wasn’t a stripper, nor did she sell drinks. She was actually a student at NYU. She and I became good friends. We talked for a long time. Actually, we started dating for a short time. Anyway, she was telling me that at the strip club there were two types of strippers: those that were prostitutes and those that just wanted to make a buck. You know, like students or young moms. Both of them hated each other. Anyway, I just thought that was a little trivia you might like to know.

OK, the third story I’ll tell you is about one of my subjects from the book I did called “Rescue Tails.” It was a book published by Simon & Schuster. I photographed a stripper with her dog. She taught at a local gym where they taught stripping to work out. At check in it said, No Men Allowed. It also said No Cameras Allowed. So as you can imagine I felt rather awkward as a man walking around with a camera. The shot never made it to the book because it looked rather strange having a stripper on a pole and her dog jumping up. But the book came out good. It’s a real eclectic group of people. You should check it out. You can get it on Amazon. Here’s the link:

Love and miss you guys. Love, B. Nice

November 20, 2024

Hi everybody. Welcome to my blog where I talk about my past.

I’m highly irritated right now because I have no transportation to my doctor tomorrow and my wheelchair is broken. so I’m in a bad mood. And because I’m in a bad mood I’m gonna talk about my past. That always seems to lighten things up.

I used to travel a lot. I mean a lot. I was on the airplane about once a week. It was crazy. Well, the flight attendants disliked me. I guess I was kind of a dick. I’ll explain. I think I told you this story before, but I was traveling from Santa Fe to NYC. I had a really cool leather lampshade. It was in a bag and I was in first class. I put the lampshade carefully above, but the flight attendant said I had to check the lampshade. I looked at her and I said, “You’re kidding, right?” And after a few minutes of arguing, I said, you know what, it’s not a fucking lampshade. It’s a fucking hat, and I wore it all the way to New York. I mean who could argue with that?

Another time, I had to travel from LA to Sydney. It was a 14 hour flight so I had a sleeping pill to got there and a sleeping pill to come back. I got the pills from a model I worked with. She told me, whatever you do, don’t take more than one pill and don’t drink any alcohol. Well, I got on the plane and after we took off I dropped one pill. Some time went by and nothing So I took half the second pill. Nothing. So I did a few cognacs. Next thing you knew I woke up to the sound of us landing. The guy next to me, a business man, said, “Mate, I thought you were dead, you didn’t move for 12 hours. I had to check the pulse on your neck.” Well a flight attendant came by with a tray of water. I wanted water and tried to reach out for one but my arms didn’t work and my voice didn’t work. I looked like something out of the horror movie The Mummy. I drank a bunch of water and the flight attendant stayed well clear of me.

I’ll tell you one more story. I’m sure I told this a while back. When I was sitting in first class, I kept drinking champagne and then I started sending champagne back to my friends in economy. My friends were in the bulkhead, right behind me. I was passing my champagne through the curtain that separated first class form economy. Well, the flight attendant didn’t like this. I said I was in first class, I can do what I want. Well, she didn’t like that ansewer either. We had a bit of a discussion and then kind of ignored each other. About an hour went by and I thought it would be a good time to get my friends some more champagne.. Well, as I turned to give my friends champagne, my foot went out into the aisle and the flight attendant tripped and champagne glasses went everywhere as she fell to the floor. It was truly an accident. I swear. I didn’t mean to do it, but she thought otherwise. She started yelling at me and said, “I’m gonna write you up.” I didn’t know what “writing me up” meant, but I guess my name is out there somehwere.

That’s all for now. I’m gonna share some photos from my past. It always cheers me up to look at old images.

Love and miss you guys. Love, B. Nice