Oh man! My track buddies and I used to go to stripper bars. That was in the 70’s. Now I go to gardens with family friends. I guess that’s called growing up. The gardens I went to are pretty cool. They’re called Stonecrop in Cold Spring, NY. Netflix did a documentary on them. I just thought of something. What about strippers in gardens? That would be controversial. My friend here said that’s probably been done, and it probably has. Shock value always sells. Right?
I’ve been switching up my therapists. It’s always good to do that it seems. You never want to get comfortable with one therapist. You gotta push it or you don’t make progress. For example, I’m going to get on the track with one of my therapists and a walker. It’s hard to believe that in the 70’s I ran close to a 4 minute mile. Now I can barely make 20 yards on a walker. Amazing. But at least I can make 20 yards. Right? The other cool thing was I worked with a health aide I haven’t seen in like 6 years. She said I’m doing remarkably well.. That’s always encouraging. It makes me happy because I work hard every day and have been for 10 years. Remember, never give up.
I’m probably gonna cut it short because I can’t remember what I was gonna talk about. Speaking of forgetting, the one bonus of having a brain injury is every movie is new - even if you’ve seen it before. One thing I did want to tell you guys is that my dad’s storage facility is gonna be included in a big art tour starting July 22. The tour is going to include galleries, studios, storage facilities, etc. If you’re an artist, it will be inspiring to see. Check out my dad’s website: donnice.com for more information.
Love and miss you guys. Don’t forget to check out my website about the past. In the beginning is a spread about how I see now. You always gotta do what you love and I love photography.
This is B. NIce signing off. Love, B. Nice