Hi everybody. Welcome to my blog where I talk about the past.
I’m gonna dedicate this blog to my cousin. He’s a coach, amongst other things, on the west coast. Now, a good coach will tell you, don’t let your body tell you what to do. Let your mind tell your body what to do.
OK, so let’s call this blog: STRIPPERS.
In college, I decided to get my pilot’s license. The first step to getting your license was to take ground school. They taught you the basics of flying, but I kept looking at my teacher saying, “I know this young woman from some where.” It was driving me crazy. then one day, she leaned over to help me with a problem I had and I smelled her perfume. Voila! She was a stripper! My track team and I used to go to this strip club together after a meet, and she worked there. She was smart. She was a good teacher and also a very good stripper.
I used to live in NYC. It was the early 90’s. My friends invited me out to a party. Well, late in the night, my friends decided to go to a strip club. I didn’t argue, and off we went. Well at the club there was this one woman who walked around and gave people shoulder massages. She wasn’t a stripper, nor did she sell drinks. She was actually a student at NYU. She and I became good friends. We talked for a long time. Actually, we started dating for a short time. Anyway, she was telling me that at the strip club there were two types of strippers: those that were prostitutes and those that just wanted to make a buck. You know, like students or young moms. Both of them hated each other. Anyway, I just thought that was a little trivia you might like to know.
OK, the third story I’ll tell you is about one of my subjects from the book I did called “Rescue Tails.” It was a book published by Simon & Schuster. I photographed a stripper with her dog. She taught at a local gym where they taught stripping to work out. At check in it said, No Men Allowed. It also said No Cameras Allowed. So as you can imagine I felt rather awkward as a man walking around with a camera. The shot never made it to the book because it looked rather strange having a stripper on a pole and her dog jumping up. But the book came out good. It’s a real eclectic group of people. You should check it out. You can get it on Amazon. Here’s the link:
Love and miss you guys. Love, B. Nice