Hi everybody, Welcome to my blog where I talk about the present.
Oh man, at the present, I’m once again bummed out. You see, at therapy, my outpatient physical therapy, they cut me back to one day a week. They said I plateau’d. Now, at first, I was like, Oh, OK. But now, I’m thinking about it. I’m kind of pissed off. See, one day a week doesn’t do anything for you. In fact, if anything, it would cause you to regress. Now I’ve heard the term Plateau’d many times before, and I know it’s not true in my case. Each time I’ve heard that word plateau’d, it’s put fire under my ass, like right now. So maybe it’s a good thing. Anyway, it’s just another obstacle to go around, and I tell you, it seems never ending. But I’m always up for a challenge. I’ll figure something out.
In the meantime, I’ve started a new creative project. I’ll let you in on it later. That’s all for this week. I’m gonna go and figure things out. Maybe a bottle of Jack Daniels would help me figure it out. Just kidding.
Love and miss you guys. Love, B. Nice