Hi you guys. Welcome to my blog where I talk about my present. I presently have some house guests here, and they’re helping me big time! Like my friend in front of me here, who’s typing for me. I need all the help I can get from friends.
It’s pretty cool because one of the people visiting is an interior designer. He changes things up big time. It’s amazing how the energy changes in a space when you move things around. Then it got me thinking, Man, someone like me really needs something like that. I mean, I don’t move around much, so my world is 3 or 4 feet around me. When someone creates something nice, something new to look at, it really makes a difference in your world. I mean, if you’re a normal person, you’d probably walk right by what’s been changed. Does any of this make sense?
Anyway, I just thought I’d share that with you. It’s important to have an aesthetically pleasing environment around you.
On another note, physical therapy has been very strange. I seem to have developed a list to the right. I’m always leaning to the right. It’s very bizarre because on my first brain operation I would lean to the left. Maybe God’s trying to tell me I should have been a Nascar driver. You know what really helps is if you have a mirror in front of you, you can self-correct. What I think is normal is definitely not normal. I list so much to the right I have to force myself to the left. You don’t self correct and it’s brutal. And then I have to try and walk like that. Have you ever tried to pat the top of your head and rub your stomach? That’s what it’s like. Anyway, we gotta soldier on, right?
I’m going back to hang out with my friends. Love and miss you all. Love, B. Nice