Hi everybody. Welcome to the blog where I talk about the present.
I was just talking to a friend. He’s going though some rough rough stuff, but he’s gonna be OK. You see, he was in good shape. He ate well. He recently went on the cleansing diet. You know, gave up alcohol, drugs. All that stuff. Anyway, it helped him battle what he is battling right now. I guess I was the same, but I didn’t give up the bad stuff. I did now. What I’m getting at is, it pays off to be in good shape. You never know what’s gonna be around the corner, and your body has to be ready for it. I don’t think I could have made it though what I went through if I wasn’t in good shape. So, if even though it’s a pain, it pays off to be in good shape.
That’s all for this week. Love and miss you guys.
Love, B. Nice