Hi everybody! Welcome to the blog where I talk about the present. I’m gonna dedicate this blog to my friend here, her skin, because it looks great. That was kind of avant garde but whatever…
Recently, I had a showing of my recent photographs. It only took me five years to take the photos, but I did it. I had the showing for three reasons. 1) I wanted to call attention to the Open Space Institute. They work hard at saving fields like the one I shot in, the one that inspired me. 2) I wanted to call attention to the Philipstown Food Pantry. They are a comfort to someone like me because if things go real bad, I can always rely on help from them. And 3) I wanted to show people, people like me, that even though you’re all messed up, you can do something to give back, which actually, makes me want to talk about my condition.
You know, I don’t want people to think, “Oh, poor Brian…” That sort of thing. I consider my condition a blessing in disguise. You see, when you’re an artist like me and things are altered for you, if you take advantage of the change in the norm, you can use the alteration to your advantage. For example, I see so differently than anybody else. I found a way to recreate how I see, and I have the need to share that with everyone. Well, either that or get a lazy boy chair and a bag of weed. I prefer to stay creative, but that’s just my opinion.
You know what’s cool? A filmmaker is using the show as a grand finale to a documentary she is making. I’ll keep you posted and send you the link of the documentary.
That’s all for now. Sorry, I don’t have any inspiring words to write down. Oh yeah, one thing! What did one hat say to the other hat? —— I’m go get a head……..
Miss and love you. Talk to you next week.
Love. B. Nice