Hi everybody. Welcome to the blog where I talk about the present.
I’m gonna dedicate this blog to my daughter cause she’s right here! It’s cool she’s visiting for one week. Welcome!
So I had a bizarre dream. An event I didn’t remember until I had the dream. A long time ago, I was on a photoshoot in Tunisia. I was in the middle of nowhere, in the open desert. There was one lone tree out in the middle of nowhere. It was a big tree, but it was at a 45° angle. I didn’t understand why it was growing that way until I opened the car door. The door almost got ripped out of my hand. It was so windy, it was crazy. Our driver said that the wind was always there. All year. And he said the tree bends with the wind. Now the reason why I’m telling you this is slightly philosophical. Now in my dream, I dreamt that life is like the dream. You gotta bend with the wind. How profound is that?! Does that make sense?
Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you. On another note, you know everything I went through, I use my running career to get me through the tough times. You see, my competitive running made me more patient and able to bear extreme pain and suffering. You see, I have drawn on my running to get me through everything I’m going through. It also helps with my career to have an explosive temperament. In other words, it would piss me off when someone would run past me. Now I hate it when a doctor tells me I can’t do something. In other words, be patient and having a wicked temper, helped me through the tough stuff. It’s more philosophy for ya.
I’m gonna go back to hanging out with my daughter. I’ll make it a short one for this week. Above are some pictures I did recently. I’m still taking photos. Remember, Art is Therapy.
Love, B. Nice