Would someone out there please tell my ex that I’m a handicapped person? Now, there are different kinds of handicapped people. I would probably fall under the category of severely handicapped. I mean, I can’t even pick up a water bottle correctly. So, when someone tells me to get a job, it’s kind of laughable. I mean, what would it be? I can’t even be a dead body on a police crime show. I shake. It’s kind of cruel telling someone like me to get a job, and it is hurtful. People should be a little, well, should be a lot more understanding of handicapped people. I’d love to have a job. Believe me. It’s not fun sitting around staring at your fish.
Anyway, I just wanted to blow off some steam and let people know that handicapped people have feelings too.
That’s all I wanted to say this week. I’m gonna go look at the help wanted ads. Maybe there’s an ad for a crash test dummy.
Love, B. NIce