Hi everybody. Welcome to the blog where I talk about the present.
Oh man, the other day was a drag. I had to go to the ER, take the ambulance, another trip to the ER. I’ll explain why.
The pharmacy where for 10 years gave me my correct dosage of anti-seizure medicine, (I’m on three different types of anti-seizure medicine), - well, to make a long story short: the pharmacy messed up and gave me the wrong type of drugs. I found out at 9 at night. I had no back up drugs, no way of contacting the doctor or nurse. The only way I could get the drugs I needed was through the ER. So that’s why I had to call 911. I guess you could say it was a pre-emptive strike.
The main drug that stops my seizures is a new experimental drug. I guess I should change my name to guinea pig. Anyway, all is cool now. Just another story, right?
I guess, if anything, people should always check their perscription drugs, right when they get them. Don’t assume the pharmacy has everything correct. Always double check.
On another note, walking has been very strange for me. I’ve been doing good on the walker, and the therapist, but then when I go back to use the old walker and harness, I don’t do so good. It’s almost as if I’ve outgrown the old system, and I’m getting better at the new one. It’s frustrating, but I guess it’s an advancement. Speaking of frustration, man, it’s a drag being like this. I get very frustrated because I have dreams and plans and I can’t do them right now. I guess I gotta just cool my jets and chill out. But after 10 years, it’s hard to chill out. You know, when you’re like this, you can go through extreme ups and downs. I guess it’s a roller coaster of life. Right? Anyway, that’s it for now. I’m gonna go paint a flower with my friend here. It’s a rainy day, so maybe it’s a good idea.
Love, B. Nice