Hi everybody. Welcome to my blog where I talk about my past. I’m gonna dedicate this blog to my friend’s friend, Gaby. Happy birthday Gaby.
I love it. My friend here goes through my old camera cases where keep my journals and she pulls out a cartoon I did. The cartoon above was one of many cartoons I did on a camping trip with my father. Ever since I was little, my father promised to take me camping. Well, he finally came through in my early 40’s. It was a cool trip. We rode one week through Montana into Wyoming. All on horseback. It was a great trip. We would fish for our food. Camp out. It was a great trip. Then we rode one week back. Now, the cartoon above documents what happened. Now let me go off on a tangent here. Never, I mean EVER share a tent with your parent. Bring your own tent. Here’s one of many things that happened:
I tend to snore - right? Well, I guess I was snoring pretty heavily and around 3 am my father jumped up and screamed, “Bear! Bear! Bear!” Then he jumped up, grabbed all of his candy bars and started throwing them in the woods. I woke up and said, “Dad, what the hell are you doing?” And I thought it was pretty funny. But there are big brown bear there, so you got to be careful. I said, “Dad, why’d you throw the candy into the woods? I would have eaten it!”
Love and miss you guys.
Love, B. Nice
P.S. It was a great trip. On another note, it was cool when you took out your lunch and went away from everyone, sat under a tree. The animals up there aren’t used to seeing humans, so when you broke out your sandwich, birds would land on you, squirrels would come to you. Chipmunks would come to you - all wanting food. I felt like Dr. Doolittle.