Hi everybody. Welcome to the blog where I talk about the past. I’m gonna dedicate this blog to my friend here who’s writing this for me. She’s a big help, and believe me, I need all the help I can get.
OK, so I’m gonna share with you one other relationship story.
I was dating this young woman who was with one of New York City’s premier modeling agencies. The agency was having a big event and we were invited. We sat at a table with another photographer I knew. I was talking to my girlfriend. All of a sudden, she got hit on the head with something. Whatever hit her on the head landed on the table. I picked up whatever hit her on the head. It was heavy man. It was a battery pack from a video camera, and it was covered in blood. I looked at my girlfriend. She looked like she was in shock, and then all of a sudden, it looked like something out of a horror movie. Blood started pouring out of her hairline, all over her face. It was crazy. 911 was called and we rushed out to the front. It was total chaos. For whatever reason, the bouncer grabbed me. A bit of argument between me and him ensued and my girlfriend said, “No, he’s with me.” We jumped into the ambulance and sped off to the nearest ER. (Most ambulances will take you to the closest ER.) Anyway, the ER we went to was a strange ER. It was a weird hospital. We were in the ER and apparently, someone left a door open on the psych ward which was a few floors above us. Anyway, one of the psych patients, for whatever reason, found her way to our room. The patient thought I was a doctor, and that my name was Luke, from the 1980 soap “General Hospital.” (That was an interesting conversation.) Anyway, someone came and got her. They did some scans on my girlfriend and patched her up. She was OK. We decided to get a bite to eat, so we went to a local diner I knew. I still remember the name of it. It was the Empire Diner. Anyway, there were a few party goers in there. It must have been about 5 in the morning. It was a real editorial sight, I’m sure. We were both all dressed up. She looked beautiful but covered in dried blood. I wish I had my camera. It would have been an awesome shot.
Here we go with the thought of the nervous tick again. And you wonder why I’ve been married so many times. Anyway, I’m gonna try to go make some emails. Talk to you guys soon. Love and miss you all.
Love, B. Nice