Hi everybody. Welcome to the blog where I talk about the past.
I’m gonna dedicate this blog to my friend here, who helps me out. I need a lot of help. Believe me.
Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about how cool my parents were. They rented a small stone building from a farmer in the south of France. The building had no running water, no electric. Was basic. Our toilet consisted of a bucket. It was like camping. But being around 12, it was an adventure for me. The building was an old Roman outpost from the Roman Gaul wars. I even found some Roman coins and an old Roman spearhead. It was very cool. My sister and I even went to school there. Was a cool adventure. I learned a lot of French, like “Leave my sister alone,” heh. It was a cool experience though. We went to school in a one room schoolhouse. A cool adventure.
Love and talk to you guys soon.
Love, B. Nice