Hi you guys. Welcome to the blog where I talk about the past.
I go to therapy twice a week and there’s a girl there who reminds me of an australian girl I once knew. The girl at therapy also has an Australian boyfriend. I was talking to her and it brought up memories of Australia. Man, I miss that place. It made me homesick talking to her. The girl must be the same age as me when I was there. I lived on Australia for like ten years. The final years I was there I had an amazing penthouse. The views were incredible. They went from open ocean in the east to Sydney harbor in the west. The building was amazing. It was built into a cliff. One side was my deck. It was three floors up from the main road, and the back of the penthouse was 8 floors up from the side street. It was an awesome building. and thank god we didn’t get earthquakes in Australia. Anyway, coming to think of Australia, I really learned how to shoot with natural light there. The light there is harsh. The first time you processed your film (that dates me) the film looks really contrasty. There was tons of ultraviolet light there. I learned how to shoot backlit there and in open shade. It really made you appreciate the light we have in New York, and the light in Europe. There was a photographer I worked for in New York a long time ago. He told me to only look at your subject right before you start shooting, and he was right. You really have to look at what the light is doing to your subject. Anyway, it was a cool place to learn. I did like two magazine shoots a week. It was great. I miss the place.
I have deep roots in Australia because my grandparents owned land there. They owned a macadamia nut farm. That farm was in northern Australia, in Queensland. When I first got to Australia I lived in Carins for a while. I bought a car that would have made Starsky and Hutch proud. It was a total drug runners car. It had mag wheels, two tone paint, a V8 engine, a huge trunk. When I rolled up to my photoshoots, people always did a double take. Anyway, it was fun to drive, even though I got pulled over all the time.
I could go on and on with stories, but I won’t. I’ll talk to you guys next week. Love and miss you guys, Love, B. Nice
P.S. The opening photo was from an Australian Day Parade.