December 21, 2015

6773-12sm Hi everybody. Merry Christmas! The above photo is from last year. This year it's hot. It's really bizarre. It's warm weather, but not as hot as one Christmas I had. I once spent Christmas morning on Ayers Rock in Australia. I think they call it Uluru now. At sunrise it was about 100 degrees farenheit. The rock gets so heated up, it creates its own windstorm. It was a fun Christmas. I was there with my first wife, and no, she didn't push me off, but there is a sign at the base of the rock. It tells how many people passed away climbing the rock, and there were a lot of Brians listed there for some reason. I held on tight to the rope and watched my back. It was a fun way to spend Christmas day.

I'm gonna leave it at that and wish you all a Merry Christmas.

Talk to you next week. Love, B. Nice

Here's my link where I talk about the present.