August 11, 2015

LTI_300700_6662-13 Hi you guys. Welcome to my blog where I talk about the past. You know, when I was in ICU at the rehabilitation hospital, I laid in bed and thought about the past all the time. Once in a while, for some weird reason, I thought about things that would sort of make me squirm. For example, once I was in Hawaii windsurfing. I was windsurfing in a pro area called Camp 1. Well, there was this one German dude who was showing off. He came really close to shore really fast and jumped off the board. Well, he dismounted his board on a coral bed. He sliced his foot like a banana from toe to heal. You could see all his tendon and bone. Very impressive.

Another time, I was windsurfing with a friend. He was going along at a pretty high speed. You know, like a jet ski full on out. Well he managed to scare a hound fish. A hound fish looks like a tiny sword fish. Well, the hound fish managed to imbed itself into his knee, beak first. The head broke off. He was impaled by the fish. Nice, huh? A little surf 'n turf.

Another time I was windsurfing I did a high speed turn around my girlfriend at the time. What a stupid thing to do, cause if I hit some seaweed, I probably would have done some major damage to her.

Another thing that really makes me squirm is I was watching TV late at night. This is in college by the way. I was watching TV and cutting a matte for a photograph at the same time. I was using a box cutter and a ruler. As I was watching the news I couldn't figure out why the box cutter would move anymore. Then I realized the box cutter actually went through my index finger, through my skin and fingernail and started to cut into the bone. When the pain hit, I stopped. I still think my roommates can recall my scream.

Another time, when I was younger, I was whittling a stick with a dull knife. Not a good idea. The knife skipped off the stick and managed to cut into the flesh between the knee and the leg. I still have the scar, and I think the scream still echoes throughout the house. I have a lot more, but I'm squirming just thinking about them.

I'm gonna leave it at that cause there's a really cool lightening storm coming and I'm in a metal chair. Have a good week. Love, B. Nice

Oh yeah, here is a link to a website, you know, the film I did with Adam Hall and Erin Hall. Team Hall. They are great.

Here's the link to the blog about the present.