Hi you guys. I want to dedicate this blog to my little sister. I know I did before. I know I've dedicated a blog to her before, but I want to do it again. She has three great kids, she's a single mom and she's got three crazy dogs. I don't know how she does it, being a single mom, but she does it. Anyway, this blog is dedicated to her. Oh yeah, she's my little sister, but I think she's more mature than me. You know, when I get stuck for stories I always go through my old diaries and my friend and I turn the pages to look at the past. You know, I kept my journals in cartoon form and I always kept polaroids of fashion shoots I did. We came across one fashion shoot that I did in England. I'll put the polaroids here:
It was a good shoot but it reminded me of a time I worked with the Japanese all the time. They said perhaps I would like to go to Japan and I just said politely, "Yeah, sure, why not?" Well, next thing you know, my agent calls me about ten minutes later and says I agreed to go to Japan. It was all a strange experience. I think I talked about it before but my friend who's Japanese said I should make sure I do a contract saying I'll only fly first class. I'll need someone to take me out to dinner. You know, that sort of thing. Anyway, I get there after a long trip (which is a whole other story) but I get there in the afternoon. Right when I get to my hotel they ask me to come over to the office. They put me in a room, a large room with a really long table. They sat me down at one end of the table, there was an intercom phone there, and some dude walks in with two women behind him. He sits down at the other end of the table and the women stand behind him in the corner. He sits down, presses the intercom phone and says, "Perhaps you wonder why you're here." Yeah, it was all a bit strange. It went downhill from there. Once again, whole nother story.
You know, when I was on my back for so long, I used to think about the pets I had, and one pet was a one eyed cat that was really rough looking. He looked like he had been sucked through a vacuum cleaner. Anyway, when I was little I was looking around the house for the cat. I said, "Mom, have you seen the cat?" She said, "I think it's upstairs, but your father just polyurethane the stairs, so be careful." So I started working my way up the stairs and then I stopped. I found the cat. He was lying down at the top of the stairs and he was stuck to the stairs. He laid down in the polyurethane step. Oh, by the way, he wasn't too smart. Anyway, we got him off the stairs after he lost a lot of fur. He went outside to get some air. He laid down in the driveway and accumulated more dirt on his polyurethane fur. Never a dull moment in this house. Let me tell you.
I'm gonna leave it at that because I'm going to look through some other books. I'll leave you with a drawing from the past. Love, B. Nice
Oh, and here's a link to my blog about the present. See you next week. Love, B. Nice