Friday, September 26, 2014

Hi everybody. So I'm gonna dedicate this blog to a friend of mine who I was going to visit tomorrow. But it turns out she was really sick and she's no longer with us. It's sad because she was really cool. But, I've a good story to tell you. You know, we were like brother and sister. It was kind of a love/argument relationship. Anyway, one day we were out location scouting on a photo shoot. She would always get lost. She insisted on not having a GPS, but she would always get lost. I would tease her all the time. Anyway, we were driving around. She looked lost. I said, "What's going on?" She mumbled something. I said, "Are we lost again?" She said, "Yeah." I said, "How far are we from the hotel?" She replied, "Well maybe like 2 1/2, 3 hours." I said, "All right. I folded down the middle seat, mind you we're in a mini van. I said, "Pull over here next to this gas station convenience store." I went inside, got a six pack of beer and a bag of chips. I sat in the back. I told the client who was in the back with me to have a beer. And my friend said, "What am I? a chauffeur?" and I replied, "You are now." It was a good trip back to the hotel. Another time I put a big snake behind the toilet. A fake snake. I tied some very fine fishing line around the neck. My friend sat down to use the toilet and when she sat down I pulled the snake out. Have you ever heard someone scream "Oh Shit!" really loud? It's really funny. I paid for that one though.  That's a whole nother story. She got even in her own way, believe me. I think I heard her yell, "Brian, you little brat." Anyway, there are endless stories like this. She and I used to tease each other all the time. I'll miss her.

You know, I started getting nostalgic for some of our trips. I worked with this one client who seemed to think the best light was in Hawaii. And a specific nice hotel in Hawaii. Those were great trips. Good fresh fish as well. We came back with good shots all the time. It didn't hurt to be in Hawaii. The other cool thing was we shot in the morning and late afternoon. I had the midday to myself. I of course would go surfing every day. We were right next door to a great break. Those were great trips. My friend here asked me, "What's better? Having memories of those trips or not doing those trips at all?" I just stared at her blankly.

You know, that's about it for the past. I don't feel like talking about the past so much. One other thing I do remember about my friend. We would always go to Harbor Island to shoot. Harbor Island is in the Bahamas. Great place to visit. If you ever get a chance, I highly recommend it. Talk to you next week. I'm gonna include a photo of a heart I was gonna bring tomorrow. Talk to  you next week. Love, B. Nice
