Hi you guys! I'm back. I'm keeping this blog going so I check in once in a while. You know, my fashion career has been amazing. It's brought me from the Vice president's desk (the vice president of the United states - his desk) to Riker's Island, maximum security prison. My personal life has brought me from witnessing my daughter's birth to witnessing my own possible demise (an out of body experience). The point is, I've gone through a lot and I really believe, and I've said this before, I really believe all the things I've gone through have gotten me ready for this event. It all doesn't seem so scary.
Anyway, I'm gonna make a couple of fashion confessions. I guess I do this to get it off my chest. I always feel a little guilty about the things that have happened. Here's an example: OK, so one day I show up at the location van. My assistants are furious. I said, "Hey guys, good morning, what's wrong?" My friend, the French assistant, in a very think French accent said, "They ate all the food. I have nothing but coffee." My other assistant said, "I can't believe you're doing this." I looked at them puzzled. I said to them, "Here hold my stuff. Let me see what's going on." So I walk in the van and the first thing I notice is I'm shooting a plus size catalogue. I look down at breakfast and there is a silver plastic platter, a white doily, some seeds and some saran wrap. That's it. Mind you, the caterers usually don't leave much breakfast, but there was nothing. The models ate everything. I'm surprised the curtains were still there. The platter looked like a small village attacked it. Anyway, at least the girls were happy. Now, I'm not one to pass judgement or make any comments, but believe me, when lunch was served, me and my guys were in the front of the line.
Now, back to Traumatic Brain Injury. I'm just recovering from my road trip. It was good. A big challenge, but I believe it helped me get a little better. One thing it did was it made me realize how messed up I am. I've still got a lot of work to do. Anyway, that's it for now. I'll include a photo from the shoot. Hope you guys have a good week. Love, B. Nice