Hi everybody. Welcome to my blog where I talk about the present. I’m gonna dedicate this blog to my sister, because she helps me a lot. When you’re like I am, you definitely need a form of support. You can’t go it alone.
I wanted to share with you a project that I did with an award winning filmmaker. Her name is Julia Barrett-Mitchell. She basically told my story in a light way. She did a good job. Anyway, check it out. See what you think. The short documentary won an award at the Big Apple Film Festival, and was shown at the Woodstock Film Festival. Here is the link. <Click here or copy & paste the address below.
It was a cool project. I hope it can help someone out there who is in a similar situation. I may keep it short. That’s about it, but definitely check out the short documentary. Like I said, she did a good job.
Love and miss you, B. Nice