Hi everybody! Welcome to my blog where I talk about my present.
I’m gonna keep this blog rather short cause I’m not in a good mood. But basically this following blog is to all you traumatic brain injury people out there like me.
I’ve been doing physical therapy for about 14 years. I’ve been trying to walk. I know I can. My legs move. I can stand up and stay standing with some help. Know I can, but one needs to do more. You have to try every single day. I know this from training. I was a competitive runner, if you remember. When you’re a competitive runner, you have to train hard every single day. You have to push it every single day, and I believe learning how to walk is pretty much the same way. Right now I walk about half an hour each week. I should be walkig an hour every single day. Once a week for half an hour basically is maintenance. One has to figure out how to train every single day. I’m working on it. I’m like a junk yard dog with a bone. I won’t give up. I’ll figure it out.
If anyone out there has any ideas, let me know: briannice@me.com
Thanks for listening to my rant.
Best, B. Nice