September 8, 2015

LTI_302029_01-02 Hi everybody. Welcome to my blog where I talk about the present.

You know, when you're like this, when you're in a really bad way, it's good to get out of the house. It's good to have people take you places. But my friend scared the hell out of me the other day. She was going to a big box store and decided to take me with her. Well, I renamed big box store to Big Butt store. Most people don't realize this, but when you're in a wheelchair, you're at the exact eye height of a human ass. I couldn't believe the size of these people in this store. When I was in the hospital, did they inject people's food with growth hormones or what?! I mean, everything was big. The aisles, the quantity of items. I could go on and on. But the most terrifying moment was at check out. I was in my wheelchair, while my friend was reading a magazine and pushing me forward. What she didn't realize was there was family of large asses right in front of us. The wheelchair kept inching forward and I thought I was gonna be sucked into the world of oblivion. I thought I heard the screams of a small family screaming "Help me, Help me!" I kept trying to stop my wheelchair, but my hands don't work so good. Anyway, I survived. All is good.

On a more positive note, I went to a picnic that was thrown by some friends. I was seated in pole position. I was at the head of Table Number 1 and there were 400 guests. It was one hell of a night.. It was like a dream. If you want to see some photos you could go to my Facebook page. i'm BriandNice. Check out the video footage of the party. It's the video of everyone sitting at their benches. It was the best night of the summer.

Have a great week! Love, B. Nice

Oh yeah, here's my link to my blog where I talk about the past.

September 4, 2015


Hi you guys. Welcome to my blog where I talk about the present. You know, it's a good thing I was a long distance runner because what I'm going through is like an ultra marathon. It's a good thing I am a photographer 'cause I look at the world through one eye. It's a good thing I partied a lot and lived in a world of alternate state of being 'cause that's the way I am now. It's a good thing I was a surfer, 'cause I'm used to being off balance. What I'm trying to say is, I really believe that my life before got me ready for what I'm going through right now. I said it before, but I think it's important that you look at how you lived. Maybe if you have a traumatic brain injury, your past has gotten you ready for the present. Who knows?

I told you before, but I started water therapy again and it's super important. I've been going in the deep end and it's kind of scary cause you're in water up to your neck with weights on your feet, but it's super cool cause you can really walk. Feels great. I highly recommend it. Just don't try it with someone that's gonna kid around. The other thing I did was I got a peerscription from a doctor to go to therapy and work on my transfers. I'm trying to transfer from my wheel chair to something like a bed or a couch on my own. It's really important. It might seem insignificant, but to have independence to do things on your own is really important.

Independence! Ah ha! AT this point it's been about six years. I've always had someone around 24/7. In other words, I've never been alone for six years. It's enough to make you want to rip your skin off. But, it's better than taking a dirt nap. Right? So if you see a guy running up the road naked, holding a margarita, it's me.

I miss you all. Have a good week. Love, B. Nice

P.S. here's the link to the other blog, and here's a link also to a webpage for my movie I did with Adam Hall and Erin Hall.

August 25, 2015


Hi you guys. Welcome to my blog where I talk about the present. I'm presently sitting here with my friend, me, my dog and a mannequin that's freaking me out. I can't see so good, but my friend brought over a mannequin that has one of her works of art on it. It's awesome.

OK, back to traumatic brain injury. I went to water therapy today and man, it wiped me out. You know, like I said before, you're gonna have good days and bad days. This was a good day. It really helps you a lot. You can walk. It's really fun. Makes you feel good. I spend like about an hour doing different therapies. Although, I did get in trouble. My mother keeps yelling at me to stop acting like a ten year old. I said to one of the therapists, I said, "Mike, do you thnk I act like a ten year old?"Oh, did I introduce you to my healthcare assistant. His name is Mr. Nipples." My mother just rolled her eyes.

It's been super hot here and very high humidity. That combination really affects me. I always gotta stay in an air conditioned room. When you have traumatic brain injury, different things will affect you. You know everyone's different, different things will affect different people.

The other cool thing that happened this week was I moved back upstairs again. It feels great to have my own bedroom. It's a bit of an effort getting up the stairs. I have a stair chair lift, but it's worth it. Luckily I can't see very good 'cause it's a hellava long way down the stairs. Kind of scary I guess.

Some of my older friends from the good old days stopped by. They took me out to lunch. That was great, but I tell you, I feel like a freaking bird in public. You know, someone has to feed me. They should put me on a stand, with a little mirror and a bell. It's a little depressing, but, at least I can eat.

I've been going out more and more, you know, out into the real world. I highly advise it. Cause, you get comfortable in your own world. You almost become a hermit. It's good to get out there. Life becomes therapy.

That's about all to report for this week. Remember, never give up.

This is B. Nice signing off. Love, B. Nice

Oh, here's my other blog link.

August 11, 2015


Hi you guys. Welcome to my blog where I talk about the present. I'm presently going through a major lightening storm and I'm in a metal wheelchair. I'm outside, so I'm gonna make this real short.

Check out the link of the updated website for Offset. You know, that movie I did with Team Hall. Team Hall, they're great. Anyway, check it out.

Oh yeah, here's my blog about the past. Some stories about squirming this week. And, no, it's not about being a fashion photographer in Paris.

P.S. Hey, let's start a contest on who can throw a cellphone the furthest. Do a video and put it on Facebook.

July 31, 2015


Hi everybody. Welcome to my blog where I talk about the present. You know, stuff I'm presently going through.

I've been looking for a bike for about two years now. And I figured out I actually need a trike. My balance is really bad. I need like a big wheel for adults. Something like that cause my legs work, it's just balance is bad. Then, I found it. It's called a High Roller. You could check it out. It's a High Roller USA. It's a cool bike. It brings me back to when I was a kid. Remember, like my father said, attain childhood. Anyway, I'm gonna order one. I have to make a few modifications, but the basic bike is what I've been looking for.

The other thing that is pretty cool is my daughter has been here for a week now. I'll tell you, I'm pretty wiped out. You know, anytime you do something different, it'll wipe you out. But, it's all worth it. She's a great kid.

The other day I was doing my pool work. I do work with my mom and a health assistant. A therapist came over to me and remarked how much better I'm doing. The therapist said I just need some brush up therapy, so I'm gonna continue with that. They basically just fine tune your routine. It helps a lot. Like my friend said, it will be officially sanctioned so my insurance will cover it. You'll learn the game as you go along. Insurance is tricky. That's about it for this week. The guy that worked on my film did a trailer. You gotta check it out. It's pretty cool. Here's the link:

Have a good week you guys. Love, B. Nice

Oh, and here's a link to my other blog.