Hi everybody. Welcome to my blog where I talk about the present. You know, stuff I'm presently going through.
I've been looking for a bike for about two years now. And I figured out I actually need a trike. My balance is really bad. I need like a big wheel for adults. Something like that cause my legs work, it's just balance is bad. Then, I found it. It's called a High Roller. You could check it out. It's a High Roller USA. It's a cool bike. It brings me back to when I was a kid. Remember, like my father said, attain childhood. Anyway, I'm gonna order one. I have to make a few modifications, but the basic bike is what I've been looking for.
The other thing that is pretty cool is my daughter has been here for a week now. I'll tell you, I'm pretty wiped out. You know, anytime you do something different, it'll wipe you out. But, it's all worth it. She's a great kid.
The other day I was doing my pool work. I do work with my mom and a health assistant. A therapist came over to me and remarked how much better I'm doing. The therapist said I just need some brush up therapy, so I'm gonna continue with that. They basically just fine tune your routine. It helps a lot. Like my friend said, it will be officially sanctioned so my insurance will cover it. You'll learn the game as you go along. Insurance is tricky. That's about it for this week. The guy that worked on my film did a trailer. You gotta check it out. It's pretty cool. Here's the link: https://vimeo.com/134879643
Have a good week you guys. Love, B. Nice
Oh, and here's a link to my other blog.