Hi everybody. Welcome to my blog where I talk about my present.
This blog is dedicated to my daughter because she starts school today. Oh man, I remember those days. Don’t worry. It’ll all be over soon. School goes by quick.
So we’re coming up on August 18. August 18 2009 is when my journey I’m on began. August 18, 2009 is when I had my first brain bleed. I’ve been in a battle with this bleed ever since. I’ll tell ya, I’m getting kind of tired. Every once in a while, something will happen that reminds you of how messed up you are. For example, today I had physical therapy. Oh man, was it brutal. They got me on my stomach and said, “Ok, get on all fours.” It was like a comedy act. They finally had to put a large medicine ball under my stomach for support. I tell you, it puts things in perspective. But I’m generally advancing. My friend here says that was an advancement, and I agree. Actually, my friend here helped me take photos the other day. It was tough, but I made it through it. I’m looking forward to seeing the photos. Remember, I shoot everything on film and then scan it. I’m old school. It’s true, my friend here mentioned, and it’s true, film is becoming more and more difficult to find, so a different friend works at Kodak and they just started producing more film. Interesting. I think the younger generation is going back to film.
Sorry, I went off on a bit of a tangent there. I started talking about photography. (Go figure;) But going back to brain injury stuff, around August 18, I become reflective and think about my injury. It’s all kind of depressing but you gotta remember, you gotta think about what you can do and not what you can’t do. Just keep moving forward.
I’m gonna cut it short this week because I get bummed out thinking about the whole thing. What is cool is I made a short film with another friend of mine. It’s gonna premiere at the Woodstock film festival (Sept 27-Oct 1). I hope you can come out and support the film. If so I’ll see you there. The film is called 45 Degrees. And I did an interview with a magazine in this area. All good stuff. Hopefully, it will help someone out there.
Miss you guys. Love, B. Nice
P.S. If you’re around, give me a call - 845-265-2705