Hi everybody. Welcome to the blog where I talk about the present.
I’m gonna dedicate this blog to my daughter who I just spoke to.
I mentioned this before, but I’ll do it again. I truly believe my experience in training for cross country and track contributed to dealing with how I am now.
In cross country and track you have to fight your way through incredible pain, monotonous training and loneliness. Those are all factors I have to deal with with this traumatic brain injury. Mind you, the pain isn’t as bad as my initial injury, but the monotonous training and loneliness go on. It’s hard to explain, but if you walked in my shoes you’d know what I’m talking about. There’s a saying. The loneliness of a long distance runner, but - try the loneliness of a traumatic brain injury survivor. Man, I need a vacation. My friend here just reminded me that I’ve been saying I need a vacation for about 11 years, but it’s true. I guess I’ve been needing a vacation for 11 years now.
I’ve been walking a lot with this one therapist. I’ve gotten up to using a walker. It’s pretty cool. It hurts like hell, because you’re bearing all your weight on your hips. I still find it amazing how one gets used to the wheelchair. Walking becomes so foreign. I don’t like that at all.
I really don’t have much else to talk about. I’m still recovering from the show I did. It was a great success and we raised good money for a good cause. Thank you again, for all of you that helped.
This is B. Nice, signing off. Love, B. Nice