Hi everybody. Welcome to the blog where I talk about the present.
Oh man! Last Sunday was Father’s Day. I got a great gift from my kid, but I’ll tell you what, I’m not a big fan of Father’s Day. The reason is because I’m not a “traditional Dad.” I can’t teach my kid how to ride a bike, how to surf, how to tie a shoe, how to fish, or fly a kite. Maybe my kid will learn something from me. Which brings me to another point. Now, I’m gonna be a father here, and give you some Fatherly Advice. As you go through life, you’re gonna meet a lot of people. Try and learn at least one thing from each person you meet. Make a mental record of what you’ve learned. Say it to yourself over and over a few times. Remember what you’ve learned from that person. It’ll get you far in life. You’ll see. At the time you’re midway through life, you’ll be pretty street-smart.
Every once in a while you’ll get a reality check. You know, when you’re like me, you’ll get a reality check. For example, the other day, my health assistant helped get me on the floor. Being on the floor is brutal for me. Mind you, I haven’t been on the floor for like four years. I used to panic when I got on the floor, but now, I’m getting better at it. I do things like yoga, stretches, for example, cobra, and other stretching. It’s hard for me, but it’s one step closer to getting better. One other thing I’ll mention, make sure you get a good wheelchair for yourself. There’s nothing worth than being stuck in a wheelchair that isn’t fitted for you. Believe me.
That’s all for this week. Miss you guys. Talk to you next week.
Love, B. Nice