Hi you guys. Welcome to the blog where I talk about the present.
Man, I don’t know what it is, but my temper’s very short. It could be that we’re locked up like caged animals with three feet of snow outside. When you have a traumatic brain injury, it really affects your emotions. My emotions swing wildly from depressed to extreme joy. It’s crazy. Unfortunately, my poor sister got the brunt of my anger one day. Luckily, my health aides are trained to recognize my emotions. I found the best thing to do is sit in any sunlight you get. Whether it be inside or outside, preferably outside. I guess also I’m going through what you might call a mid-life crisis. I just turned 60. Can you believe it? I’m officially an old man. Then, in conjunction with the fact that I haven’t seen my daughter in 2 years, bums me out. But I throw myself into my photography and art. Thank god for that.
You know, exercise is also really good thing. I still go to physical therapy three times a week. Each session is about an hour. It’s tough, but it’s worth it. My goal is to be up and walking as soon as I can. You know, walking with a walker. That’s realistic, I think. I keep doing excercises to strengthen my legs. It’s important. Also core strength is really important. I try do stomach sit ups every day. It’s important.
That’s it for now. I’m gonna keep it short. Oh, one more thing. I always try and keep reggae music on in the background. It takes me back to the sunny islands. Music is important, as well as food. Oh, yeah, and get yourself a fish. A fish will lower your blood pressure. That’s a fact.
Love you guys. Talk to you next week.
B. Nice