Hi everybody. Welcome to my big where I talk about the present.'
Oh man! Whatever you do, do not look in the mirror when you’re like I am. I mean, not just a glance, but a hard look. You see, I haven’t really looked at myself since 2010. The other day I stared at my eyes, my mouth, and it wasn’t pretty. I guess I never really thought about it, but I never really looked at myself. I mean, there was an occasional glance to make sure I still had hair, but I never really studied my face. Man! What happened? It kind of bummed me out, but I’m good now.
The same thing happened to me when I was in the hospital. I guess looking back, maybe, one should look every day, until you’re used to seeing yourself, in the state you’re in. Just a thought.
On second thought, now I know why I was bummed out. I seem to have lost my boyish charm and good looks. Isn’t it fun getting old?
On another note, the above picture is from a castle being renovated. It’s one of my new projects.
Check out my other blog about the past.'
Love, B. Nice