Hi everybody. Welcome to my blog where I talk about the present.
So, imagine this, imagine a buffalo, a papa buffalo saying goodbye to his baby boy as he walks away. What does the papa buffalo say to the baby? Bye son. You see, I’ve become my father. It’s crazy! I was in the studio (which has become mine) working on his table, wearing his clothes, painting with his brushes, listening to his music. I thought, “Oh my God! I’ve become my father.” What a nice act to follow. I just wish I had his talent. He was a great artist. The other day I went out to shoot for the first time in a long time. My friend here helped me. It felt great to get out and do some creative work. I know the images will be great. I stockpile all my film and then process it all at once a few months later. It’s fun getting it back. It feels like Christmas.
I hired a physical therapist for one hour a week. A private deal. He’s helping me stand and it’s working. The guy knew me from my days at Helen Hayes. He said my strength is there. I just have to work on my core strength. See, the core of the body will keep you stable if it’s strong. I took off my lateral supports from my wheelchair back. It’s like doing a sit up all day. It’s tiring, but builds your core. I sit up a little straighter and I feel my core working.
There’s not much else to report on. I do notice I get depressed, but man, who wouldn’t be in my situation. Plus, on top of it all, I gave up caffeinated coffee. It’s cool. Actually, I have less auras. Every Tuesday and Thursday I try to walk with the help of a special walker. It feels great to walk. Man, I get tired though, just walking 100 feet is like running a marathon. My last seizure really did a number on me. I can’t remember if I told you, but I was DOA at the hospital. They brought me back, but I guess it took a lot out of me. I kept saying to my friend here, “If they take me away, come and get me!” I kept thinking they were gonna send me to Bellevue Hospital. The seizure really messed with my mind, not to mention the drugs they had me on. I was extremely paranoid.
One last thing I’ll share with you before I go. The other day I made an appointment to have my toenails cut, and when I arrived there, (after a big production in getting there), they said they had no appointment for me. While I was right in the middle of chewing out the receptionist, my health assistant came up and said to her, “Can I pray for your foot?” Well, I rolled my one eye that’s good, and rolled away. My friend here said it did break the ice, and it did. The guy is a great guy. A great help.
Anyway, this is B. Nice signing off.
Love, B. Nice