Hi you guys. Welcome to the blog where I talk about the present.
Know what I realize, after ten years? People in wheelchairs really suffer when they have OCD. I’m a little OCD and if something like a picture is crooked, or something is out of place, it drives me crazy because I can’t fix it. I can, in fact, make things worse. Just a philosophical observation.
Over all, things have been pretty good. I still keep pushing myself. My nephew graduated the other day, and I sat in the sun for two hours. It was a beautiful day, thank god. Nice breeze. Luckily I had a hat. My nephew looked so grown up at graduation. It was cool to see him close another chapter in life.
After ten years of being like this, you start to wonder if all this work is gonna pay off. You just have to keep plugging away. I guess it’s natural to have some self doubt. It’s still kind of a drag to see people walking around. But I’ll get there. I’ll probably get there then die. One good thing is, I’ve started dealing with everyday life things in a better way. In other words, I take control of my own things, like bills, stuff like that. Might seem small, but it makes a big deal solving problems on your own. On thing I highly recommend, you should get yourself a hobby or do something that you love. And I’m not talking about watching porn. I’m talking about something you love. Like I love photography and I love art. It’s what keeps me going. Sometimes I wallow in self pity because, you know, I have no one. I have my dog. That’s about it. And my friends. But that actually could be a good thing. I was about to say something, but my friend said, “Don’t go there.” I’ll just end it at that.
Man, it’s hot today, and it really affects me. Even if I’m in AC. Strange, right? Anyway, Have a good day. Miss you guys.
Love, B. Nice