Happy New Year everyone! The above photo is why I haven’t blogged in a while. Now I know what it feels like to get scratched in the face by bobcat or get in a bar fight with a broken beer bottle. Oh, you should see the other guy! Anyway, I strongly recommend you use sun block if you go outside. Look what I got hit with now after years of surfing and photo shooting on location. Never a dull moment. I’ll tell you, brain surgery was less painful than this. Anyway, Life Goes On.
I’m actually recovering pretty good. The only problem was all this surgery triggered auras which are a prelude to a seizure. Not cool. One step at a time. That’s all I could do. Right?
Things are getting better though. I feel pretty well. My surgeon was really good. It was pretty interesting, the whole operation. There was a team for each step of the way. There was a team that did the pre-op operation, a team that did the operation, a team that stitched you up, and a team that did the bandage. It went pretty smooth. If you ever go through this, just make sure you have someone to take care of you after the operation. You know, bandage and wound care, etc. I had good family and friend support which helped a lot. You need that when you go through stuff like this. Hey, I figure it’s a good conversation starter for the bar scene. You know, you could go up to a girl and say, “See my scar on my nose?” You have something to talk about. You see, there’s always a positive to every negative.
I’m gonna keep it short. I don’t feel like talking so much. Oh, yeah, one other thing. I have a triangle bar above my bed. You use it to pull yourself up. Anyway, I was pulling myself up and my left hand slipped off the bar and I punched myself in the nose. I let out a yell that would make the local fire department proud. My dog came running in to check on me. I just thought I’d share that with you.
This is B. Nice signing off. Happy New Year, once again.