Welcome to the blog where I talk about the present. I'm gonna dedicate this blog to my daughter. She's cool, and a great kid.
I want to share a conversation between a father and a daughter… As you journey through life, you're gonna come across a maze that I call "The Maze of Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco." This was a dream I had.
As you approach the maze, you're gonna have two choices. The first choice is that you're gonna enter the maze. Now, this maze is pretty intense. A lot of my friends, family and people I know have either died or were severely injured or developed addiction because they entered the maze. You might make it out ok, but most people are affected one way or another.
The second choice is just go around it. Avoid it all together. The choice is up to you. But, looking back, going around it, that's what I would do.
I can just see my daughter rolling her eyes and saying, "Dad, you're so weird." That's it for this week. Not much else to say.
This is B. Nice signing off. Love, B. Nice