Hi you guys. Welcome to my blog where I talk about the present.
Hey, check this out. I want you to read what a director of a film festival said. I did a film with Adam and Erin Hall. Check it out.
"I've personally screened more than 50 films as a member of the Alexandria Film Festival program committee but wanted to bring two in particular to your attention (the full schedule is here: http://alexfilmfest.com/2015-festival/schedule-of-events/ ):
(Saturday November 7, 12:00pm, Beatley Central Library, Special Guest: Adam Hall, admission open to public)
Brian Nice, formerly a globetrotting fashion photographer, is now wheelchair bound having suffered through multiple brain surgeries to remove seizure inducing brain lesions. He cannot walk or feed himself but mentally he’s all there and decides to go on a cross-country road trip with the help of family and friends, taking photographs all the way using a low end film based camera. He talks about his condition as do his mom, dad, friends, and his surgeon.
It’s an inspiring story but not in a disease-of-the-week-special variety. He is stubborn and philosophical about what has happened to him. Especially painful is listening to and watching his mom and dad talk about what has happened. But it’s a pleasure to see a film like this without sugarcoating, especially if your family has experienced traumatic medical episodes."
Now I'll talk about what happened this week.
You know what's kind of weird? I notice that when it's low pressure outside, I dont feel so good. But when it's a high pressure weather system, I feel great. For example, today is sunny, warm, high pressure. It's a great day. Yesterday was the same. I thought, Wow! I think I'll go into the other room! My life is sad when I get excited about going into the other room. The reason why I went into the other room is I wanted to hang a painting I bought from a friend in Paris. Let me tell you about this painting, a little side note. I'm going to go off on a little tangent here. My friend was in Italy, having a coffee outside. All of a sudden he was surrounded by a pack of wild dogs. They attacked him. It was total chaos. It inspired him to make the painting I bought from him. I thought I'd share that with you. This guy was a good friend. One day we were sitting in Paris complaining about something when he said to me, "Look over there. I'm never going to complain again." I looked over and I saw a girl sitting at a cafe table. She had no arms. She picked up a cigarette with her foot and lit the cigarette with the other foot, and then she started drinking her coffee with her other foot. Pretty wild. Like I said, sometimes you gotta watch out for what you're complaining about.
The only other thing really, that happened this week, is I got much better at my balance. I'm able to use my up n go more often. I attribute my success to the weight vest I've been wearing. I've been better at everything, walking in the water, the up n go, the new step, everything. It's pretty wild. My parents have yet to let me do the dishes though, or borrow the car.
The only other thing I can think about is, when you have traumatic brain injury, you'll have different emotions you go through as you get better. Right now I'm really frustrated. I'm over people feeding me. I mean, I feel like a freaking parrot. I'm over people dressing me, and being stuck in this wheelchair. I can go on and on, but you keep moving forward. Have a goal you want to reach. My goal is a barstool and good marguerita. Just kidding, kind of. No, my goal is to walk onto a ship and walk to my friend's hotel in Paris.
That's all for this week. I'm gonna go make a fire (in the fireplace…). Have a good week. I love and miss you guys. B. Nice
Oh yeah, here's my link to my blog where I talk about the past.