Hi you guys, welcome to the blog where I talk about the present. It's presently sunny here, but man, it's cold. Another snow storm is coming. I've been locked up in this house for like 3 weeks. I'm getting cabin fever and the dog is talking to me. Just kidding. I am getting cabin fever though. And let me tell you, stress definitely affects you when you have traumatic brain injury. I'm gonna leave it at that. Not much has changed, just ready to go for another cross country trip. I'll talk to you guys before Valentine's Day, but I hope you have a great week. I'll leave you with some photos and a link to my blog where I talk about the past. Check it out. It's kind of funny. Love, B. Nice
Oh yeah, a family friend asked me to do a portrait on the porch of my parents. Kind of cool. See you next week. Love, B. Nice