Hi you guys. Wow! We're getting ready for our trip. We leave in only 2 weeks. I thought I'd be much better, but I'll go as I am. Good to go. My friends just have to throw me in the car.
We ordered FedEx supplies cause I'll shoot film every day and every night we'll send the film out to be developed. The film crew is getting ready. I should say, the documentary crew is getting ready. We're lining up some interviews like with an artist named Chuck Close, my surgeon, etc. Should be good. These are all people that are creative and have gone through something similar.
My Mom is working on the itinerary. I just wanted to get in the car and go, but she has it all worked out with our producer, Erin. I guess it should be a little more structured like they are doing it. I just wanted to go. I guess it's kind of symbolic. Anyway, I just wanted to give you an update. We go soon! I'll keep you posted. Love, B. Nice