First The My Point of View Project team and Brian would like to thank all those who helped make the first round of fund raising reach the Goal on Indeigogo of $49,000. This has been an amazing journey already, having all those dreamers coming forward , putting the project on the road.
This is just the beginning of this journey and there is still room for more contributions to help support the return portion of road trip and production of the book, documentary , and gallery exhibits. This is an ongoing project that will continue to be filled with opportunity to share your dreams and be part of the unknown trip. Follow the project on Twitter
Here are another couple ways you can share and donate.
You can make a secure online donation that is TAX EXEMPT at our new fundraising page: Or Checks can be made out to Nice Art, LLC, and mailed to Nice Art, LLC 73 Indian Brook Rd. Garrison, NY 10524 Thank you everyone and keep on Dreaming the journey into life.