February 5, 2016

LTI_321247_3703-11 Hi you guys. Welcome to my blog where I talk about the past.

One time I was sitting in a cafe and there was this guy walking across the parking lot toward the cafe. He was all dressed up in, well, I won't go into detail, but I thought to myself, "Look at this guy! He thinks he's a rock star or something." Then he sat down next to me. We started talking, and he was a rock star!

You know, everything I've been through, all the training as an athlete, living in different places, everything, I feel has gotten me ready for all the stuff I've been dealing with. It's been a long time since my initial bleed. It's tough, but everything in my past has helped me get through this. Just have to recognize it.

I'll leave you with a photo. That's all for now though. No other stories. I'll tell you some more stories next week.

Love, B. Nice

Oh, PS, here's the link to my other blog (maybe I'll tell a story over there…)

February 2, 2016


Hi everybody. Welcome to my blog where I talk about the past. As I said before, I used to think about things from the past, things I did. You know, I was on my back in the hospital for a long long time.

I'm gonna call this blog, "Wind River, A Shotgun, and The Pool Shark." Let's start with Wind River:

For many years my father promised me a camping trip. This was since I was about eight years old. He finally came through when I was, well, 48. Better late than never, right? Anyway, we were on a horseback riding trip, a two week trip up into the Wyoming Rockies. We were one week into the trip. We stopped for lunch. I grabbed my lunch and went off to eat on my own. I sat down to eat my sandwich when all of a sudden all these squirrel, chipmunks and birds were surrounding me. I gave them my food. They were totally tame. They weren't scared of me at all. It was pretty cool. I felt like Dr. Doolittle. It was an amazing experience. No one ever goes where we were. Thank God no bear wanted something to eat - Like me!

Now let's talk about the Shotgun: In a previous blog, I think I told you, I ran across the country with eleven other guys. It was a relay run. I was on my leg of the relay, running through the Appalachian mountains. Now imagine this, I was running at about 3:30 in the morning with a flashlight and baton. The van we had was up the road waiting for me. I heard a noise. I looked over my right shoulder. There was a pick up truck with no lights on. The driver had a shot gun cradled in his arms while he was driving. The shotgun was pointed in my general direction. I didn't know what to do. I just said, "Hi! Just running across America." And the guy drove off. That was kind of weird. It was like a scene out of the movie Easy Rider...

And finally, we'll talk about the Pool Shark: As I said before, I've had many ex's, ex-girlfriends, a few ex-wives, a few ex-friends. One of my ex-girlfriends was a pool shark. Now get this, it's about the 70's right? She always wore Frye boots, tight Jordache jeans, a blousey top, bleached blond hair that was frizzy and shoulder length, a pretty girl who was petit, but smoked like a chimney. She smoked Marlboro lights - which I never got. What does that mean? It kills you lightly? Anyway, we would go to a dive and we would put our quarter down on the rail of a pool table, you know a cue line of who plays next. We would put $10 under our quarter, which meant we wanted play against someone for ten bucks. Some guy would always see her putting the $10 down and challenge her. They probably thought she was an easy mark. Well, she would pretty much clear the table on the first go. The guy who played against her never knew what hit him. She would then buy us beers with the money she won. I held her cigarette. Nice date. Right?

That's it for now. Hope you guys have a great week. Love and miss you guys, B. Nice

Also, check out my other blog about the Present.

January 29, 2016


Hi everybody. Welcome to the blog where I talk about the past.

Oh man! Traveling was, well, not so fun. I used to be on the plane almost every week. One time before 9/11, I was in Mexico coming back to New York. I had purchased a gallon of tequila from a local farmer. The security at the airport in Mexico asked me what I was doing with a gallon of liquid. I said it was tequila. They all laughed and said, "OK, drink some." So I proceeded to take a large, fiery gulp. They then said, "Drink some more." They laughed and I took another gulp. They laughed some more and said, "Why don't you take another drink?" I did it. They laughed again and let me through.

Another reason why I say it was a nightmare is because I shot film and they had to inspect each roll. No, they didn't pull apart each roll, but they had to swipe it for explosives. I pulled up a chair and it usually took about two hours to swipe each roll. I had usually around 1500 rolls from a shoot. It was not fun, but they kept us safe so I didn't mind.

One other time I was up against a flight attendant who really had a grudge against photographers. She wouldn't let me on with my camera bag. So I said, "All right. How about if I wear my camera? Is that all right?" she said, "Yeah." So I pulled out all five cameras, put all my lenses on them. I looked like a Japanese tourist. It was probably not very safe, but I checked my empty camera bag to go below. I had a very uncomfortable plane ride home.

I'll leave it at that for now. I did get to see some amazing things. Although, the plane just turned into a, well, bus ride. Not so glamorous, like it used to be. Talk to you next week. Here's my link about the present. Love, B. Nice

January 22, 2016


Hi you guys. Welcome to the blog where I talk about the past.

Having a traumatic brain injury has made me realize a lot of things. I've discovered a lot of things about the past. I think a lot of things I've done in the past have related to traumatic brain injury. For example, I used to get migraines a lot. Migraines are a form of epilepsy. I never knew this before. I also have seizures right now. A lot of things that have happened to me were probably small seizures. For example, one time I was surfing and I thought I hit my head on a rock, but I actually had a small seizure. You'll see, you'll discover a lot about the past and you'll think about it and how it relates to your present.

OK, enough of all this depressing stuff. I will share with you one thing that's totally unrelated, but, in my business, fashion photography, I used to always blame my agent for everything. You know, not working enough. Not working for the right people, etc., etc. But bottom line is, you've got to look at yourself. For example, work started to drop off for me and I immediately started to blame my agent. When in reality, I stopped doing so much editorial, I just took on jobs to make money. That only lasted so long. This was before my event, my traumatic brain injury. I used to work a lot. Just recently I started archiving all my images. I really realize I did a lot of editorial in the 90's. Then I did a lot of money work right after. Just verifies what I was just talking about. The 90's was definitely a great time to be traveling the world on photographies dime. Good times.

Check out my other blog where I talk about the present. I don't have any other stories to tell right now. Have a good week. Love, B. Nice


January 18, 2016

OffSet Poster
Hi my friends!
Hey, come and check out the film we all did (an Adam & Erin Hall film). It's in a film festival. I'd love it if you came. Also, tell all your friends. Let's fill the house!
B. Nice
P.S. It's easy to get there by subway. I think it's on the 4 and 6 line, but google it anyway.
The Bronx International Film Festival Wednesday January 27 at 7pm

Lehman College

The Studio Theater

250 Bedford Park Blvd W

New York, NY 10468

Tickets: http://bronxstage.com/offset/