December 7, 2016


Hi everybody. Welcome to my blog where I talk about present. Speaking of present, I went out shopping for Christmas presents. Oh man, I'm still wiped out. I think I told you, but points of light mixed in with soft lighting really gets to me. That and all of the holiday music, people, general stimuli really gets to me. So if you're like me and you have traumatic brain injury, watch out for the holidays -- and take it easy on the egg nog too!

You know what's pretty wild, I went out with my new assistants shooting. I shoot out my car window, that's cameras, not guns. Anyway, it's an extension of the trip I did a few years ago. Felt great to get behind the camera again. You know, when you're like this and you have a traumatic brain injury, you have to continue to do what you love. Don't sit around and feel sorry for yourself. I'm at the stage where I want to get off my ass (no pun intended) and do something like take more photos, or start up a web studio. I'm just jonesing to do something creative. You can only talk to the dog for so long.

I guess this mixes in the present with the past, but last night I had a dream about when I was in hospital. You see, the only thing that really worked on me was my heart and my hearing. When I finally opened my eyes, I realized the heart monitor was in beat with the music I listened to. You see, I always listened to reggae music. It has the same pulse as a human heart. Pretty wild.

I'm gonna go back to cooking now. Hope you guys have a good week. Check out my other blog.

Love, B. Nice

November 29, 2016


Hi everybody. Welcome to my blog where I talk about the present.

I went from Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous to being a hermit who lives in exile with his parents, and the world's smelliest dog. My life is like a bad country song. But, you know what? We had Thanksgiving the other weekend. It was amazing. My cousin came out from California with his family. My daughter was here. We had a great time. I'm still recovering. We did stuff like had bon fires. Went ice skating. Rode bikes. You know, at home stuff. It was great. Although, I'm still recovering. You know, it was Thanksgiving weekend, but every day is Thanksgiving for me. You see, no matter how bad off you are, there will always be someone worse off. So be thankful where you are. That's my motto for the day.

The only bummer is, I caught a cold. Whenever you get something like the common cold, it's 100 fold worse when you have a brain injury. You learn how to adapt. The cool thing is, tomorrow I walk at a gym I found. It's pretty cool. Who would think someone would be so excited to walk the length of a basketball court. I look forward to it each week. It's amazing how winded I get just walking the length of the court. I have to stop like four times. At least I'm walking, right?

I'm gonna cut this short cause I feel like just hanging out with my friend here, and the smelly dog at my feet. Hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving. Check out my other blog. Have a good week. Love, B. Nice

November 1, 2016

Hi you guys. Welcome to the blog where I talk about the present. At the present, it's a day after Halloween. I had a weird dream last night on Halloween that involves my friends' dog named Boo. On Halloween. Here's what I wrote to my friends:
I had a weird dream about Boo. I guess it was because it was Halloween and the word, Boo, came up. I dreamt I wanted to put Boo up on my blog, but I needed a headshot of Boo. Well, I got Boo to our house and tried to do a headshot. He was very apprehensive and very nervous. Remember, we're talking about a dog, right. Anyway, I said, "Listen Boo, let's step aside for a second.. I want to talk to you." He agreed and I said, "Listen, Boo, imagine you're on a sheepskin bed filled with down. It's on a square tray of solid gold. There are dog toys and treats all around you. You're feeling very regal and happy. OK? Oh! Look! coming across the horizon over there. Is that a Squirrel? Squirrel? No, it's your dream mate! She's running towards you. You're so happy. She's running through the tall grass and flowers in slow motion. The sky is a crayola crayon blue with white puffy clouds. you're so happy. And then," my voice softens. I say, "Boo, she ran right past you. The sky turned ink black and the fields of green turned to a cold gray. You're sad. So cold. So sad. The bed of sheepskin you thought you were sitting on turned to an itchy burlap sack with cold wet leaves inside. The sack is sitting on a tray of oxidized tin. It's so cold. You lie down. Your only friends are your two paws. Yet they're cold shivering and wet. You lie down and give off a sigh of sadness. OK now boo, work the eyebrows as you look around. You think to yourself, 'Boy, wish I had a blanket to stay warm…' Then you close your eyes. Your point of view is black. And then I yell, "OK Boo! I got you! Good shots! Good boy. Let's have a treat as i shoot off some casual snapshots of happiness." I get a coffee.
 So, it's come to this. I'm now talking to dogs in my dreams. And directing them.

October 25, 2016


Hi you guys. Welcome to the blog where I talk about the present.

You know, I've had to learn how to walk again, for like, the third or fourth time. It's getting old, but I've become an expert on re-learning how to walk. Anyway, the point I want to make is, my therapist said that she's never seen me walk so well. Pretty cool. She said, "I guess slow and steady wins the race, right?" Mind you, I do have braces on, and I walk with an Up n Go which is like a walker, but it's a good start. It feels great to walk down the hallway. So, basically, all this training and hard work has paid off. Nothing worthwhile comes easy, right?

My friend here says you don't have to work hard for things, but I think she's from another planet. Anyway, if you're going through what I'm going through, keep working hard and don't give up. Check out my other blog where I introduce my left elbow to Donald Trump. It's rather amusing.

This is B. Nice signing off. Love, B. Nice

October 10, 2016


Hi you guys. Welcome to the blog where I talk about the present. I'm presently wiped out because my daughter was just here. She was here for only 36 hours, but man, am I wiped out. Her name is Sam, but I call her the Saminator. That kid, if you harnessed her energy, you could run a city.

Anyway, I'm gonna cut this blog short because I'm pretty wiped out. Check out my other blog. Oh yeah, one other thing, I start up swimming therapy again, and that also wipes me out. So, remember, you gotta pace yourself when you're like this.

Check out my other blog. Love, B. Nice