August 3, 2016


Hi everybody. Sorry about the delay. I bought a 1981 convertible Ferrari, 12 cylinder. Did I mention it's canary yellow. I also met a girl named Angel. She's a "Broadway Dancer." I'm a little tired. Actually, I'm just kidding, but not about the tired part because my daughter was here for almost a month. I'm very tired. That's why I haven't blogged in a while. But everything is great. I had a lot of fun with my daughter. She's all grown up it seems. She's only 9 and a half, but she's super smart, fun, great to hang out with. I continue to do therapy. When you have a traumatic brain injury, you really have to be patient. Take everything in steps. I know I mentioned it before, but it's real important to be patient. Right now I just working on sitting up. It sounds simple, but, believe me, it's not easy. I continue to slowly get better. I mean, even my daughter notices the difference. She said, "Wait, Dad, your speech is getting better, and you move your hands more." Little things like that are big encouragement.

You know, doing everyday things are like therapy. I mean, the other week I went to my dad's art gallery opening. We all went to the city in one car. It was interesting. He was talking to ny friend here, saying how artists used to get together and show their work. It was a real simple gathering of young people. It wasn't about money and who you're selling to, etc. It was just about art, for art's sake. The opening my dad had was cool because there were a lot of young people there. Sure, they probably came for the alcohol, but it was cool to see them stand around and talk about the paintings. It was a great night. Tough for me to handle, but, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Right?

I'm gonna go back to staring at a tree. Feel free to email me if you like. Or check out my website:

Have a great week. Love and miss you guys. Hey, here's my blog where I talk about the past.

May 24, 2016


Hi you guys. Welcome to my blog where I talk about the present.

Every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year - I do therapy. I never stop. From sunrise to sunset. You see, when you have a traumatic brain injury, everything you do is an effort. And it's also one step, or in my case, one roll, to getting better. Just today I started up again with water therapy. Man, it wiped me out, but I'll tell you, it's great for you. I talked about it before, but it's amazing. It also doesn't hurt as bad when you fall over. Just get ready to be water boarded - ha ha ha. The other thing that Ive been doing a lot of is thinking about recipes with my health care assistant. I used to cook a lot. Now I do it with my health care assistant. It's great for the memory. I think about recipes and my health care assistant prepares it for me. It's great for the memory. Just don't hand me a knife.

So now I'm gonna do a shameless plug for a client I used to work for. I used to work for a company called Pendelton. They have great blankets and I used to collect them. Every day, my health care assistant makes up my bed and he puts on a new blanket. It's pretty cool because my world is really an arm length in front of me. I can only see about three feet in front of me. I can see other things further away from me, but they're not as sharp. The blankets are cool because I love the Native American prints the best. My friend here in front of me also makes great blankets and she gave me one. Pretty cool. Here's a link to Pendelton.

One other thing I like to mention is my local town just started work on their sidewalks. You see, there wasn't a broken curb before. It was difficult for me to use the sidewalks. They're fixing all that now. Pretty cool. I can now walk with my daughter down Main Street.

That's about it for now. You know, it's c owing up to 7 years since my injury. Mind you, it all started August 18th, 2009. It's been a long journey, and I'm a little tired of this. There have been some funny moments though. Anyway, keep your head up, and keep moving forward. Oh, check out my other blog where I talk about my sordid past. Love, B. Nice

May 10, 2016


Hi you guys. Welcome to my blog where I talk about the present.

One bonus to having a traumatic brain injury is the state assigns a health assistant to you. My health assistant, he had his birthday the other day. I said, "How old are you?" He said, "I'm twenty six." I immediately felt really really old. I felt like I got hit by a ton of bricks. Then I was thinking to myself, where was I when I was twenty six. I lived in Australia. Manly Beach to be exact. What a great time I had. I had no money. No idea where I was going, but I was having a great time. I had an apartment then that overlooked the ferry boats that went over to Sydney. There were two big Cockatoo parrots outside my window and tree kangaroos in my back yard. It was a great place to live. My friend here reminded me I was married too, and I thought, oh yeah, I was. It was a cool place too. Makes me wonder why I ever came home. Well, enough of that nostalgia stuff. Otherwise, I'll have to start talking about the blog where I talk about the past.

This week has been tough. I tried to take an easy week, but it's turned out to be real difficult. I have tried standing on my own. Despite the fact that I almost fall over every time, it's been working out pretty good. When I say, stand on my own, that means I support my own body weight. I can really feel it in my hips. Remember when I said, you gotta take everything in small steps. I've been trying real hard just to sit up. Once you sit up you can use the wall as a support and get yourself dressed. Everything is in steps.

I keep going back to Australia and how great it was there so I'm gonna end this conversation now. I'm getting a little melancholy. If you ever get a chance to go there, do it. It's a great place.

This is B. Nice signing off. Love, B. Nice

Here's the link to my other blog about the past.

May 3, 2016


Hi you guys, welcome to the blog where I talk about the present.

It's mother's Day coming up. I forgot to add a few things to the previous blog. Read it.

My mom takes care of me. I was talking about the different hats she wears. I forgot to add, she's an accountant, a dog letter inner, a dog letter outer, a dog letter inner, a dog letter outer, and a dog letter inner, and a dog letter outer. Oh yeah, throw in a cat there once in a while. She also looks after my dad which is a who other matter. And did I mention she goes all the way to Texas to get my daughter so I can see her. Remember, I can't fly. A super mom that's for sure. I wouldn't be where I am, if it weren't for her.

So check it out. A few days ago, my friend here gave us a screening for the documentary Offset, we did. It was a great turn out. So thank you to my friend here, and everyone that helped. We also had a showing of some photographs we did ion the trip. It was a great night and I made it. No 'moments' as I call them.

That's about it for now. I'm pretty wiped out even though it was about three nights ago. I'm still recovering.

Have a good weekend. Happy Mother's Day.

Love, B. Nice

Check out my other blog where I tell a story about The Donald...