This is pretty funny. I gotta tell you guys something. Someone I used to know said to me, "Get a job." And then I started thinking about it. I said, "Let's see, what could I do?" I have a girlfriend on a police drama TV show. I could get my SAG card and be the dead body. Or, I could be a human doorstop. Or , let's see, I could be Your Wingman at a bar. For example, if you wanted to meet some girl, I could just take off my breaks and drift into them. It's a good conversation starter. Or I could start a service where you could hire me to cruise down the street with a puppy in my lap. I mean, come one, who can resist a guy in a wheelchair with a puppy? Now, I have to warn you, I'm a little rude sometimes. For example, if some girl came up and said, "Could I pet your puppy?" I might say something like, "Sure, that'd be great! Let me move the dog." You get the idea. The point is, I can't really do much of anything right now. I can take pictures. It's pretty far out cause I try to photograph how I see. It's pretty wild. There aren't many options for a person with Traumatic Brain Injury. You basically do the best you can.
The cool thing is, my daughter is here. It's exhausting having a 9 1/2 year old, but it's amazing. My mother went all the way to Texas to get her. We went ice skating the minute she got here. Pretty cool to come all the way from Texas to go ice skating.
Not much else to really talk about right now. Just the same old stuff with therapy. It's slow, but you gotta keep moving forward. I'll leave you guys with a photo. And, oh yeah, let me tell you, I'm having a screening of a documentary I did with the filmmakers Adam and Erin Hall. I did a documentary with them and my friends and family. It's on April 29th, in Garrison, NY. At the Depot Theatre. After the screening which will be at 7:30, we can all walk across the street to the Garrison Art Center to see some work I did on the trip. It should be a lot of fun, and call attention to people with Traumatic Brain Injury. Do you know what this month is? It's the month of Traumatic Brain Injury. How Ironic is that. You know what today is? National Pancake Day. I didn't have pancakes this morning, but I did go to a maple syrup farm with my daughter. Pretty cool, but talk about a sugar high… Talk to you guys next week, and here's my other blog.
Love, B. Nice
And here's a link for tickets for the documentary. Hope to see you there.