October 30, 2015


Hi everybody. Welcome to the blog where I talk about the present. I'm presently in bed and I am presently feeling like shit, so I'm not gonna blog to you about the present. Not this week anyway.

One cool thing that's happening soon is the film I did with Adam and Erin Hall will be showing in Alexandria Virginia, at a film festival. Go check it out, if you can. Or have a friend check it out. Here's the link.

Love, B. Nice

Oh yeah, here's the link to where I talk about the past.

October 20, 2015


Hi you guys. Welcome to the blog where I talk about the present. I'm presently sitting here wearing my weighted vest. It's pretty cool. I didn't think it would work, but it's amazing. I think I told you before, I lean to the left, so they put a lot of weight on the right side. I've been using it in therapy and it really helps. It's simple, but it really has great results. Just the other day, I worked with a therapist using my up n go. You know, the machine that helps me learn how to walk. Anyway, I used the vest in conjunction with the machine, the up n go, and it was amazing. I highly recommend it.

The other thing I've been doing a lot of is cooking along with my health assistant. It's pretty cool cause we cook every week. We cook with a recipe from the New York Times. It's fun. My health assistant does all the cutting and stuff but it's good for me, for my eyesight and so forth. This week we made a minestrone soup. It was real good. All of this talking about food has made me hungry so I'm gonna stop now and go eat.

Have a good week you guys. By the way, Boooooo. If you want to read my other blog, go to: www.briannice.com/blogspot

October 9, 2015


Hi you guys. Welcome to the blog where I talk about the present. I had you come over here to this blog because I was talking about a friend of mine from the past who came over for a visit. I talked a bit about this before, so I'll briefly give you a history. I lived in Australia and I showed my friend around, you know, the friend from Paris. He said, "Thank you, if you ever come to Paris, give me a call." Boy, did he make a mistake. In about two months I was on a plane to Paris. I called this guy and his girlfriend almost every night. I said, "Where are we going next?" It was like a never ending party with these guys. I ended up living there for two years. It was a lot of fun. I bring it up because, I met with my friend recently. My friend from Paris opened up a boutique hotel. I'll give you the link here. https://www.lesbains-paris.com/en/

It was fun going out with these guys because I saw Paris as a real local, as a true Parisian, not as a tourist. So, if you want to see Paris as a Parisian, I strongly recommend you go over there and stay at my friend's hotel. It will be a lot of fun. When my friend left the other day, he said, "If you come to Paris, look me up." I'm looking at ship schedules right now (ha, ha, ha). I told him to be careful what he says.

P.S. As a gift, he brought me a T-Shirt.

I've been going back to my rehab hospital almost every day. I've become like the mayor of the hospital. Everyone says, "Hi Brian, nice to see you again." My favorite is when they say, "Hi Brian, how's it going?" I select one of the voices I have and go, "Whooop whoop whoop zzzzzzzzz" or "HIUuUUuummmmm" - You see, when you're in a wheelchair, you can make any noise you want. People say, "Aww the guy's messed up. Let him do what he wants." There's one therapist there. She was my speech therapist. Whenever I see her, I say, in a strong Australian accent, "G'day mate, How ya doin' Love? Don't be a tosser." She says to me, "What's with the accent?" I say, "I don't know! You gave it to me!" There's another therapist there. He was my therapist when I was inpatient. Whenever I see him, I'll call him Dave, whenever I see him I say, "Dave, you're so ugly, they slapped your mother when you were born." or I say, "Dave, you're so ugly, if you were a woman going in for a makeover, it would take three hours just to get an estimate." Then there's Mike who is in the pool. As I'm being lowered into the pool, I say to him loudly, "Mike, my mother says I'm immature. Do you think I am, Captain Nipple?"

The point is, when you're this messed up, you gotta have fun. You gotta have a laugh. Otherwise, it's too depressing.

Things have been pretty wild with my new weighted vest. I told you before, I have a vest that's weighted and I use it in therapy. It's pretty basic, but it's wild how well it works. I practice walking, sitting up, you know, stuff like that. I've yet to try it swimming though. I'm sure there are a few people out there who would like me to try it out in the pool. Next step is to get some parallel bars so I can practice walking on land. Gravity is a bitch, let me tell you.

That's all from B. Nice. Have a good week. Love you all. Here's a link to my blog where I talk about the past.

September 22, 2015


Hi you guys. Welcome to my blog where I talk about the present. I'm wearing a vest I got from my physical therapist. It's a vest with weights in it. You know, I always lean to the left, so they counter balance me by putting weights on the right. It's pretty cool and it works really good. It's very Jean Paul Gaultier. A good excuse to get a nice new jacket. The other thing that happened this week is my friend called me up from Paris. He's opening a really nice hotel. www.lesbains-paris.com I'm very proud of him. It's a cool hotel. I forgot to tell him though, I'm gonna move into a suite, starting next week. I wish I could fly over there and check it all out. But, in time, I'll get there by boat.

I have some great stories with my friend and I, but I won't go into that now. Let's save it for later. Anyway, congrats to my friend who opened the hotel.

I'm not sure what else to talk to you guys about. You know, this has all been going on for over six years now. I went to my physical therapist to get an update. They do things like, give you advice on how to transfer from your wheelchair to your bed. I got kind of bummed out because my therapist didn't say, "Wow! You've really improved." I tend to get bummed out, but you gotta keep your head down and keep working hard. You'll take everything moment by moment, day by day. I liken this to when I ran track. When I ran the mile, my coach would run across the field and constantly give me my times to see if I was on pace to reach my goal of the day. All of this is kind of like that. The goal is to get better, and the pace is you just work harder and harder.

That's it for this week. I'm gonna go for a swim with my vest. You think that is a good idea? Talk to you next week and here's my link to my other blog about the past. There's a funny poem there this week. The picture is like a dream. It's a picnic that the town had at our Art Center. Check it out.

Love, B. Nice