March 7, 2015
Hi you guys. It's a heat wave here! It's 40 degrees! I can finally come out of my cave and go outside. All I need is an ankle bracelet. It feels good to get out.
Hey, check out the photo above. It's from my road trip. Remember? I went across america to show that even though you have traumatic brain injury, you can still do the things you love to do. And I love taking pictures. It's the 50th anniversary of the march on Selma. We had lunch there. I got a great shot. Pretty ironic. Anyway, here's the photo. Hey, you know what else is ironic? Edmund Pettus was a grand wizard of the KKK. They named the bridge after him. I'm sure he's rolling over in his grave and I'm happy about that. Pretty ironic.
Not much else to report on my traumatic brain injury. I'm still the same. Still going through the same shit. But I did play the guitar the other day, and I gave you a song like I promised. Check it out on Facebook. I'm under briandnice.
Have a good week. Love and miss you guys, B. Nice
P.S. Here the link to my blog about the past.
February 28, 2015
Hi everybody. Welcome to my blog where I talk about my present. My present with traumatic brain injury. I'll make it kind of short.
You know what drives me crazy is when someone like my friend shows up really grumpy. He was telling me his problems. Now, I know people don't want to hear this, it's a bit of a cliche, but when someone shows up telling me about their problems like, they stubbed their toe, or something like that, it kind of drives me crazy. I always think maybe I should take this guy to Unit 6A at the hospital and show him people with real problems. You know, there were people I used to hang out with, people that will never get better. You know, people with big problems. Anyway, I just wanted to get that off my chest. You know, get up on my soap box and preach.
It's been a strange week. You know, every day is different. I go to sleep thinking Gee, I wonder what tomorrow will bring. I've been fighting this whole situation for almost 6 years. But, things are becoming more and more clear. I can't describe it, and I think I already did, but it feels bizarre. It's like I said before. It's a never-ending wake up.
You know what's kind of cool is I've been starting to strum my guitar. A local musical gave me a strap to hold the guitar around me and I managed to strum it. I think I'll even give you a song next week. Something to look forward to, right? It'll probably be the scariest video you've ever seen, but hey, what the hell. I'm gonna leave it at that because there's not much more to tell. Actually, I am going to benchmark where I am cause it's cool to look back at previous blogs and you know, see where I'm at.
Right now I still feel like my face is covered in gaffer tape. I can't walk. I'm still in the wheel chair. I can drink, but through a straw. I still have to be fed by hand. I can drive. Just kidding. I wanted to see if you're paying attention. I can't sit up. But little things like, playing the guitar, strumming the guitar and painting are huge steps for me. I am improving but it's taking so long. My eyesight is getting better. I still see double though and my eyes move constantly. I'm basically still a mess. But, it's not so bad.
This is B. Nice signing off from Ice Station Zebra (man it's viking cold here!). Here's my link to my blog about the past. Love, B. Nice
February 20, 2015
Hi you guys. Welcome to my blog where I talk about the present. You know, how I live with traumatic brain injury.
OMG! I couldn't figure out why I felt so elated when they wheeled me to the car through the snow. I felt great. I didn't know why and then I realized it was the first time I'd been out of the house in 3 weeks! I had been wheeling between my bedroom and the kitchen for 3 weeks. I guess normally a regular person would go a little crazy, but I have no gauge of time. It's hard to explain, but it feels like I had my last operation a few months ago. It's been almost 6 years. So you see what I mean. Just another benefit of having a traumatic brain injury. I could have an awesome CD collection. I could pick one out and think "Wow! I've never seen this before!"
You know, I was reading some past blogs I did and I came upon the one I was going to do on February 14th, valentine's day. I forgot to mention something. I wanted to send it to my daughter so if anyone talks to her, can you forward this to her. I was going to say, "You know, everybody's different. How boring would the world be if we were all the same. But there's one thing that we all share and we all feel love. So on this Valentine's Day, my love for my daughter is a little brighter."
Anyway, that's it. If you see her, give her that message. Oh yeah, and tell her not to eat all the chocolate she got, cause I want some.
Oh yeah, you know what I want to mention to you? You gotta make sure you got a great social worker. I do and it's so important. My social worker has a lot of cases, but she seems to get a lot done for me. You know, I have my mom who looks after me, but my social worker takes care of all the other stuff, like getting equipment. It's really important. Just thought I'd share that with you.
You know, I've said it over and over, but you've got to treat this traumatic brain injury like a job. It's sunrise to sunset of therapy. It's your job to get better. If you look at it that way, it'll make things a lot easier. I mean, just doing this blog is good for my memory. It brings up some good stuff and not so good stuff. Anyway, that's about it for this week. I'm gonna go back to staring at the snow. We've had a record amount of snow here. If the roof doesn't collapse, I'll blog to you next week.
This is B. Nice signing off from Ice Station Zebra. Here the link to my blog where I talk about the past. Love, B. Nice
February 17, 2015
Hi everybody. I was going to blog to you on St. Valentine's Day, you know, February 14th, but we got snowed in. I'm gonna blog to you today.
You know, just the opposite of love, positive vibes, you know, stuff like that is negative vibes and that is the last thing you need to be around when you have a traumatic brain injury. It's all a bit of a cliche but you have to surround yourself with positive energy. If there's any kind of negativeness, you know, like the news or people talking negatively, it can really bring you down. In my case it can trigger auras. I therefore try to surround myself with positive stuff. Just an observation. I therefore have one thing to say to you guys, "I love you Man!" That's all I have to say. Have a great Valentine's Day. Make it a year actually.
Love, B. Nice
Don't forget to check out my blog from the past (little story there for you).