November 25, 2014


So, HI everybody! So check this out, my daughter's here. She says, "Hi." My friend here will type everything we say, like cat, dog, mom, dad. Say something, Bah. Bah. Bah. Bah. Anything else? Anyway, it's great having her here. I'm exhausted, but it's great. Let's see, what else did we do this week? She's making noises. What else did we do this week? We rode the power chair. We went to a museum. We went to the library, and it's going to snow tomorrow. And rain maybe. The point is we're having fun and it's nice to mix things up. You know, get out of the routine of therapy. She is here for a short time. Only 5 days, but it'll be 5 days of great fun. It's kind of like therapy for me.

The other thing I've been doing is thinking about images from the road trip. I would love to do a show of my work so I'm thinking of what images to use. On a side note, my little one just told me she's going to make cookies for the snowy day and the frosting tomorrow. Sorry, I went off on a bit of a tangent there. The other thing that's been happening a lot is I've been getting little moments. They come more often when my little one visits. I guess it's stress. Who knows. Just another sign of traumatic brain of injury.

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Basically, I took this week off from therapy. But having my daughter here is like therapy. I think if I did both it would be too much. I'm gonna leave it there because I have some face painting to do apparently, and the cookie cutting. I'll pick out a few images I've been working on, and my little one says Hi and Bye.


November 21, 2014


Hi you guys. Welcome to my blog where I talk about the present, and I'm presently bummed out. I won't go into details, but when you're like this, a traumatic brain injury, your emotions go up and down and up and down. It's kind of a drag, but being bummed out is better than taking a dirt nap, right? Anyway, hey, check it out, last night I went to my friend's book signing. She came out with a photo book that's pretty cool The book is nicely done. I was very proud of her. But you know what, it drives home the fact that I can't handle crowds. Crowds and low light are just not my friends. I had to leave pretty quick. It's been years, but I still get a bad reaction to crowds. I guess it's my punishment for partying too much.

I still go to the gym Monday, Wednesday & Friday. You know when you're like this you really have to work on strength building. When you sit in a wheelchair for so long, believe me, you get weak. You know, not much else to talk about. I am psyched because my daughter's coming for a week. It's going to be a lot of fun. My health assistant doesn't like the chalk board. He's kind of weird about the chalk board so I think I'll go with my daughter and buy her a chalk board. That will be my entertainment. I refuse to grow up.

Have a good week. This is B. Nice signing off. I'll leave you with a few photos and the link to the blog about the past.


November 14, 2014


Hey you guys! Welcome to my blog where I talk about the present. My friend here thought I said, "Peasant," and I do have a story about a peasant, but we won't go into that. That's a whole other story.

You know what I notice? I think I told you before, but I notice that extreme stress brings on what I call little "moments." When you're under stress, plus a brain injury, you get mini seizures. It's kind of a drag, but they only last a second or so. Just something I thought I'd share with you. You see, my personal life is very stressful. Like I said before, my life is like a bad country song.

Hey, check it out. My daughter's coming for a week visit. It's gonna be real cool. You know, kids are a good gauge of time because I'm sure she's going to be much bigger. She's only 8 years old and she asked to borrow the car keys. Just kidding. She is eight and smart and a beautiful kid.

At the moment I'm working on my book of images, you know, from my road trip. It's an extensive process editing 3000 photos down to a hundred. But it's cool. It makes the book look real strong. You know, it was never easy, that road trip, but it was a good challenge and coming out of my routine of therapy. Oh yeah, that reminds me. I was from Peru the other day. Let me explain. I was a guinea pig at an out patient lab session. Guinea pigs are from Peru. Anyway, they used me as an example in a therapy session. They had a vest and put weights in various parts of the vest. I have no idea what they were doing, but whatever they were doing balanced me out pretty good. It allows you to continue doing therapy in a more normal state. It was easier to walk, to set, you know, all that sort of stuff. It basically made  the PT easier.

The session went good. I felt good about it despite the fact that I felt like a lab rat. My physical therapist is going to schedule me for a month of therapy with this vest. It's pretty cool. I agreed to do therapy with the vest as long as it wasn't water therapy.

I'm gonna leave it there cause I'm feeling kind of dizzy today. You know, every day is different. I guess it's one day at a time, right? I'll talk to you guys next week. Here's my link to my blog where I talk about the past.

Love, B. Nice


November 7, 2014


Hi you guys. Welcome to my blog where I talk about the present.

I think I mentioned in the previous blog that I went to my brain surgeon's seminar. He had a talk with doctors, students. It was a cool talk. One thing he talked about was meditation. When you're like I am now, meditation is very important. It was cool. The other thing my surgeon talked about was the brain can repair itself. They thought before that the brain, once it's injured, that's it. But the brain can actually repair itself. It takes time and a lot of work, but you can do it. The whole lecture was kind of fascinating. I guess it's cutting edge stuff that he was talking about. Even I could understand it, and look at me.

You know, I was thinking that my daughter has inspired me to survive. I remember being in the hospital. It was an effort just to take one step, but I would just imagine her being at the end of the hall. I think when you're like this, you need something like that to get you through the rough stuff. Who knows, for you it could be religion, another person, I don't know. The other thing is, photography and art have inspired me to live life whenever I get bummed out or down, I turn to photography or painting. It inspires me to live.

I'm going to include some photos I've been taking. I'll put one at the front and the back. Here's a link to my blog where I talk about the past. I'm keeping it short this week, cause I'm kind of tired. Talk to you next week. Love, B. Nice


October 31, 2014


Hi you guys! It's Halloween. October 31st. Boo.

Welcome to the blog where I talk about the present and the future. You know, I was looking at my previous blog and I talked about my road trip to Rochester. Along the way, I wanted to do pictures. It was beautiful. All the leaves were turning. It was peak season of Fall foliage. But, you know because of my condition I can't exactly grab a camera and start shooting. My camera wasn't set up and well, it's difficult to hold my camera. And then it got me thinking, well, I'll just be in the moment and enjoy it. So many of us nowadays feel the need to photograph anything that catches our eye. We no longer just enjoy the moment. We feel the need to photograph it. So this whole thing that's happening to me has forced me to just be in the moment and enjoy what's going on around me. In a way, it's kind of cool, and it takes the pressure off of me as well. I still remember the beautiful moments plus I don't drink anymore so I won't forget them.

The other thing that is cool was that I went to my neurosurgeon's speech. He gave a lecture to about 2000 teachers and doctors. He wanted me to be there because he was showing part of the documentary I did with Adam Hall and Erin Hall. They took pieces of the film we made and he talked about some other things too. It was pretty cool, but it took a lot out of me. I'm still feeling yesterday, you know, the day it happened. I swear New York City has gotten busier than before and the energy there is crazy.

OK, so check this out: The Dalai Lama came to New York City. He went to Time Square. He looked at the signage, the people and felt the energy. He then saw a hot dog stand. You know, a typical hot dog stand with the umbrella and the steam. He went over. The owner of the hot dog stand said, "How can I help you?" The Dalai Lama thought about what the owner said. The Dalai Lama bowed his head and said, "Make me One with everything." That's my joke for the day, and by the way, it's a true story. Just kidding.

You know, I'm gonna finish up this part of my blog because I'm super tired from yesterday. I've been having more and more what I call moments. They seem to happen when I'm tired and stressed out. I'll include a couple of photos of what I've been shooting. Hope you have a good week and don't forget, Boo.

Love, B. Nice

Oh, here's the link to the blog where I talk about the past.
