Hi everybody. Welcome to my blog where I talk about my present.
I’m gonna dedicate this blog to my friend Patricia. She said she follows the blog, so I’m gonna dedicate this one to her.
Man, when you’re like this, you’re definitely down. You gotta learn how to deal with other everyday things like funerals, statistics that make you sad. I’ll give you an example: so check this out - by the time a kid turns 18 you will have spent 92% of the time you’ll ever spend with the kid. Now, this bums me out because my kid just turned 18. The kid was taken from me when I was in intensive care, so you do the math. I haven’t spent much time with my kid and probably won’t from now on out. Statistics like this bum me out. Anyway, I gotta suck it up and roll with the punches, right?
On another note, I realize that I’m not doing so good in the coordination department. I lean to my right a lot and I’m totally uncoordinated in moving myself around. Then, a friend of mine asked me if I’ve been going to therapy and I said, “Actually, you’re right. I haven’t been going to therapy that much.” (This is due to lack of transportation and the cold weather.) The therapy I’ve been doing was almost like maintenance therapy. My friend is kind of right. I remember when I was a runner, if I didn’t constantly train, I would go backwards and not do as well. So I guess therapy is kind of the same. You’ve got to keep at it to get better or maintain yourself, and therapy at home (doing it yourself) doesn’t really work. You really need a physical therapist. Trying to get to therapy is like therapy itself.
Anyway, I’m gonna leave it at that. I also wanted to dedicate this blog to a family friend who is no longer with us. I just went to his memorial. The guy was a great guy and a good friend of my dad’s. I hired a physical therapist to get me there. You should have seen the guy trying to put me in the car. We looked like two drunk kangaroos. College day kangaroos. Anyway, it was worth hiring someone, and thank god I did.
That’s all for this week. Love and miss you all. Love, B. Nice